Autodoc call center test English Welcome to Autodoc English call center test Name and Surname Corporate Email Company [Grammar] 1 Choose the correct option. …you help me please? Do Will Could Did [Grammar] 2 Choose the correct option. Hi, this is John. Thanks… calling. on about for at [Grammar] 3 Choose the correct option. I'll … 30 minutes with more instructions. put through call off call on call back [Grammar] 4 Choose the correct option. If you have any other issues with your re-order, please … us know. Have a good day. give let make help [Grammar] 5 Choose the correct option. Hold…please. I will try to solve your issue. on of off in [Grammar] 6 Choose the correct option. You have every reason to be upset and I apologize … what has happened. to at for with [Grammar] 7 Choose the correct option. I ….appreciate if you solved the issue ASAP. will would could may [Grammar] 8 Choose the correct option. So sorry, but we are having some technical issues on our servers that are preventing us …completing your order. of from off with [Grammar] 9 Choose the correct option. Could you …me… to customer services, please? call for put through connect with hang up [Grammar] 10 Choose the correct option. Please accept our …. for any inconvenience caused. condolences remarks apologies feedbacks [Vocabulary] 11 Write the appropriate word in the empty gaps. 1. It's my pleasure to be ( off / on / of / in ) assistance2. I am afraid I didn’t hear you very well, the line is very bad. Could you speak ( up / on/ down / in ) please?3. I completely understand your frustration. I ( would / could / can / must ) feel the same way. Can I please have your order number so we can get to resolving this?4. Please don’t (hung in / hung up / hung at / hung to) the phone at the end of our conversation in order to evaluate the quality of our customer service.5. Numbers are supposed to be (made / had / dialed / did ) in the 7 digits format.6. We ( have had / had had / has have / had have ) a lot of positive feedback on the new tablet lately 7. What if callers are answering the calls but ( is not connected / are not connected / have not connected / had not connected ) to live agents quickly?8. The system is currently ( under / been / in / being) reinstalled. We would appreciate your patience. 9. It looks like we might ( have made / had made / has made / have make ) a mistake. 10. I wish this problem ( have never occurred / had never occurred / has occurred / had occurred ) but it did and we need to solve it. [Vocabulary] 12 Read the text and insert the most appropriate words into the empty gaps (only 1 word is missing in every gap). Phone-answering tips to win business. How you answer the phone says a great deal about your business? Phone-answering skills are critical for businesses. The telephone is still most businesses’ primary point of contact with customers. And the way you answer your company’s phone will form your customer’s first 1. of your business. These phone-answering tips will 2. that callers know they’re dealing 3. a winning business. Answer all incoming phone calls before the third ring. When you answer the phone, be warm and enthusiastic. Your voice at the end of the telephone line is sometimes the only impression of your company a caller will get. When answering the phone, welcome callers courteously and identify yourself and your organisation. Say, for instance, Good morning, Cypress Technologies. Susan 4. How may I help you? No one should ever have to ask 5. they’ve reached such and such a business. Keep your voice volume moderate and speak slowly and clearly when answering the phone, so your caller can 6. you easily. 7. ask the caller if it is alright to put him or her 8. hold and don’t make people wait longer than is necessary. If 9. , provide callers on hold with progress reports every 30 to 45 seconds. Offer them choices such as That line is still 10. Will you continue to hold or should I have Mrs Lee call you back? [Work with context] 13 Answer the questions about how you should speak on the phone in English. In many cases, more than one answer is possible. Which do you think is the best way to answer the phone at work? A) By saying Hello! B) By saying your name. C) By saying your name and the name of your department or company. D) By saying the name of your company. A B C D [Work with context] 14 Choose the correct option. How do you think English people answer the phone when they are at home? A) They say their phone number, e.g. 01267 436636. B) They say the name of their town and their phone number, e.g. Southampton 436636. C) They say Hello! D) They say "Who's there" A B C [Work with context] 15 Choose the correct option. Which of these do you think would be the best way to reply when someone on the phone says ‘Can I speak to (your name)’? A) That's me' B) Speaking. C) Yes, l am. D) On the phone A B C D [Work with context] 16 Choose the correct option. How should Alberto Costa introduce himself for the first time on the phone? A) It's Alberto Costa there. B) I'm Alberto Costa. C) My name's Alberto Costa. D) Alberto Costa speaking A B C D [Work with context] 17 Choose the correct option. How should Lucia Falcone introduce herself on the phone to someone who already knows her? A) This is Luca Falcone. B) Hi there, I'm Lucia Falcone. C) It's Lucia Falcone here. D) Nice to meet you, It's Lucia Falcone. A B C D [Work with context] 18 Choose the correct option. When you ask someone to wait on the phone, which is the most informal ? A) Could you hold on a minute, please? B) Hang on! C) Wait, please. D) Hold on, please! A B C D [Work with context] 19 Choose the correct option. When you want to know who is calling you, which of these answers is the most appropriate answer? A) Who's that? B) Who are you? C) Who's calling, please? D) Your name, please? A B C D [Work with context] 20 Choose the correct option. Which of these is the most formal way to introduce the subject of your phone call? A) I want to talk about the sales conference in March. B) I'm calling in connection with the sales conference in March. C) Let's talk about the sales conference in March. D) March conference is the matter of a call. A B C D [Work with context] 21 Choose the correct option. Why is it especially important to use please and thank you on the phone! A) The other person can't see your face, so you have to use these words more often to show you are being friendly and polite. B) The British and the Americans both expect it. C) It's not important. D) To expect more help and empathy. A B C D [Work with context] 22 Choose the correct option. Which of these would you say when you want to find some information on your computer while you're on the phone? A) Wait while I get it on my computer, please. B) Wait until I get it up on the screen. C) Keep calm, I’m just bringing up your details now. D) Just a moment while I get it up on the screen. A B C D