Dev.Pro quize | Business English Academy

10 Day Dev.Pro English Training Marathon

Day 1. Video, listening comprehension, and vocabulary
Day 2. News articles, titles, and vocabulary
Day 3. IT slang and vocabulary
Day 4.  Writing and vocabulary 
Day 5. Audio and listening comprehension 

Day 6. Reading and grammar
Day 7. Audio and vocabulary 
Day 8. Reading and grammar
Day 9. Video and vocabulary 
Day 10. Final test


Welcome to Day 3

Day 3: IT slang and vocabulary

Day 3 is dedicated to understanding and applying insider language in the tech industry. By focusing on common slang, you can sound like a pro and better identify with peers and customers. You’ll learn common tech terms and phrases to make you feel like you’re part of the conversation, from “debugging” to “hotfixes.” 

Timing: 10 minutes slang intro + 10 minutes usage practice + 10 minutes vocab = 30 minutes

